senior care

Pen Pals, A Traditional Connection

There is beauty and peace through traditional connection. 

With months of strict, no-visitor rules in place, assisted living communities started looking for options to assist with an epidemic that has arisen within the pandemic, isolation. With many seniors experiencing extreme loneliness, less intimate care, mental strain, and increases of elder depression, many loved ones new that something needed to be done. 

Viral reaches through various organizations started popping up on social media urging people to go ‘back to the basics’ and start connecting with our isolated seniors the old fashion way. Calls for pen pals became one of the hottest trending topics online, and spurred a wide array of organizations to help implement programs to get people talking. 


It’s no secret that amid the pandemic, elderly individuals are at a great risk not just physically, but also psychologically. Now, everyone knows COVID-19 has been much more deadly among people above 60 years old and showing pre-existing conditions. This fact has led to the locking down of at-risk individuals, leaving them in situations of significant loneliness. Here is where pen pals become helpful, killing the loneliness and sadness of the isolated seniors.

Sometimes, all it takes is one kind word to nourish another person… One empathetic word has a wonderful way of turning into many. – Mister Rogers 

People all around the world are getting involved with the elderly through pen pal programs. Sharing their time, stories, and encouragement through the comfort of communication. Mostly handwritten, but also by email, this has been proven to be one of the best ways to bridge the gap left from limited visitations from loved ones. Results from various pen pal experiments around North America has shown that the traditional handwritten letter is the perfect tool for seniors who don’t often use technology. Also, it creates anticipation as they want to feel the connection and look forward to their name in a letter every week.

Maybe the benefit is not just for the elderly, but for the young people that find themselves alone without no one to hear them.


How can you get involved? It’s easy!

1.    Take out the pens, pencils, and crayons. Get creative! Write something from your heart.

2.    Contact any of the many organizations who are running a pen pal program. Here is our recommendation:

3.    Deliver the letter and wait for the response!

In the end, all of this is done to make sure that our elders know that they are not forgotten. With all the news focused on how dangerous the virus is, people seemingly lose sight of the very real repercussions of isolation. Anything we can do to help individuals know that they are not forgotten will do them a world of good. It could actually help save a life!


Contact us today to learn more about how Blossoms Senior Care can help get you or your loved one started!

How To Get Exercise Later In Life

Exercise can be daunting for those who do not take part in it regularly. Most of the physical and mental health problems come because of the lack of exercise and bad alimentation habits. That is why we at Blossoms Senior Care have decided to put together this list of benefits to encourage you or the elders in your life to start with the simple routine.

We know can be scary or difficult to start or keep training at a certain age, maybe due to a health problem, pain issues, or even worries about falling, whatever the reason it is vital to start exercising no matter the age or stage, there always will be a type of exercise for you.

Do you want to live for more years? And we are talking about healthy years, well, then it is time to put on the runners. Several studies have shown how physical activity can add significant extra time to your life.

Exercise is not just beneficial for the body itself but also improves memory, increasing dopamine which helps with depression and makes you look better!


  • It can reduce the impact of illness due to the improvement of the immune system and digestive functioning that can lower the risk of chronic disease.

  • It helps you Lose weight. Exercise increases metabolism which will conduct fat burning and building of muscle mass.

  • It is not just about fat and muscles but about balance, but exercise increases flexibility and mobility which are both key factors to monitor when aging.

  • Creates a healthy mind and a healthy body. Exercise improves the quality of sleep and boosts mood and self auto steam, reducing the risk of depression and dementia.

  • It can help with memory loss improving creativity and multitasking, furthermore, it will help with the progression of brain disorders like Alzheimer’s.

How to start:

Perseverance achieves great results and starting is not easy, but once you start it is easier to make it part of the routine. Do it gradually and increase time or weight every week depending on the exercise, try to mix different kinds of activities so it won’t be monotonous.

In a few weeks, the results will show, physically you will feel more strength, the body core will strengthen and some pain may disappear as soon as within a month. But also, it will improve the sense of well-being, relieve stress, and it is not a secret that exercise can help with mental disorders like depression or even Alzheimer’s disease. In the end, it will define how you age.

Is important to make this time pleasant, try to combine different things you like, for example, listen to music, podcast or an audiobook, a long walk to your favorite place, small hikes, bird sightseen or even watch a good show while you are using the treadmill.

Interesting Facts:

·      Regular activity helps one stay independent for a longer time

·      Exercise can improve the loss of bone many experience

·      Yoga activities can improve balance and strengthen the back

·      There is always exercise for every age

·      People with disabilities still can do some activities, some specialized places can help you. 

Even if you or your loved one are already in need of care, exercise is one area that Blossoms Senior Care can help. Our team is ready to work with you to establish an exercise routine focusing on helping your unique situation.

Contact us today to learn more about how Blossoms Senior Care can help get you or your loved one active! 

Spring Health Tips For Seniors

Spring Health Tips For Seniors

Spring is in the air, which means time to shake off that snowsuit and enjoy the outdoors! But with warming weather comes allergies and influenza. If you or a loved one are 65 or older, something as simple as the flu, cold, or respiratory issues from allergies could cause serious health complications. Blossoms Senior Care has put together a list of 6 tips to help keep you or a loved one enjoy the transition happily and healthy.

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